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Loose Teeth Is A Common Issue, 7 Home Remedies

Did you look in the mirror and find your tooth shaky? Loosening of teeth is a common issue irrespective of the age in the present generation. Teeth become loose mainly because of poor oral hygiene leading to periodontitis, a chronic gum disease that can cause gum recession and bone loss.Other causes may include dental injuries, bone fractures, tooth grinding (bruxism), or tooth decay. Hormonal disturbances and stress can also be the reason. Tissues around a loose tooth become red and swollen, and you will experience pain and discomfort while chewing.
Here are some home remedies that can help alleviate the pain and swelling associated with loosened teeth.
1) Warm saline rinses:
This is the most common remedy used. It not only alleviates pain but also helps pull out all the bacteria present in and around your teeth. Add a bit of salt in warm water and stir it well. Gargle your mouth with this water for a minute in the morning and spit it out. Rinse your mouth with clean water and you can start brushing.
2) Turmeric and pepper
Mix pepper and turmeric in a bowl and gently massage into your gum for 1 to 2 minutes to make them stronger. Rinse your mouth with cool clean water. After the treatment avoid drinking or eating anything for 30 minutes. This remedy can be used daily as long as it doesn’t irritate your gums.
3) Mustard oil and salt
A mixture of 1/8 tsp of salt with 2 drops of mustard oil can be massaged into your gum for 1 minute. Rinse your mouth with cool water. This can help strengthen your gums and avoid loose teeth.
4) Amla and water
Amla can help strengthen loose teeth and gums. Make a mixture of amla extract and clean water in a cup, stir it for sometime and rinse your mouth once a day with this mixture. Avoid eating or drinking for an hour after the rinse.
5) Home-made tooth powder:
Make your own home tooth powder to maintain a healthy mouth. Make a mixture of 3 parts oak bark, 6 parts comfrey root, 3 parts horsetail root, 1 part lobelia, 1 part cloves and 3 parts peppermint. Powder and mix all these ingredients well and use this powder daily for brushing your teeth.
6) Oils:
For swollen gums and toothache from loosened teeth, try peppermint oil or oregano oil. These oils help reduce gum swelling, inflammation, and pain. Clove oil is another option for a pain relieving gum massage. Though these oils don’t strengthen the wobbly tooth, they sure give you a little break.
7) Dietary changes
Avoid sugary and sticky junk foods. Include foods that are a rich source of Vitamin C such as oranges, guavas, kiwi and strawberries, and calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese, cereals, and milk in your diet for healthy gums and to strengthen your teeth.
However, get the real cause examined by the dentist and diagnosed as soon as possible and go for a permanent solution accordingly

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