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health with mango as medicine

Mango, the fruit medicine

MANGO has fascinated Indians from time immemorial. The cluster of mango leaves can be seen in many of the paintings and sculptures of Ajanta and Elora. The unique fragrance of its blossom and the unrivaled sweet taste of its fruit have been immortalised in the ancient Sanskrit literature which include the Valmiki Ramayana and the voluminous work of Kalidasa.

Ayurvedic texts also didn’t lag behind and have abundantly eulogised the medicinal qualities of mango. Known as amra and rasala in Sanskrit, mango had been explored for its healing properties by the ancient seers who have written in detail the usefulness of whole of its tree including the leaves, flower, fruit, seed kernel and the tree bark.

The unripe mango fruit is astringent and sour in taste and light, dry and cold in effect. But the ripe one is sweet, heavy and unctuous and also pacifies vata and pitta. Its chemical profile renders it to be a fruit of very high nutritive value.According to modern analysis, mango is rich in vitamins and also contains amino acids, starch, sugar content and an alkaloid known as mangiferin.

According to ayurveda, varied medicinal properties are attributed to different parts of the mango tree. Its leaves, root and bark are astringent, acrid, haemostatic, antiemetic and constipating in nature whereas the seed kernel is refrigerant, killer of abdominal worms and is also a uterine tonic. Unripe mango fruit has been described as digestive, carminative and appetiser. Ripe fruit is sweet, laxative, emollient, anti-oxidant, aphrodisiac and cardiac and general tonic.

Ancient ayurvedic texts have mentioned the application of mango fruit and other parts of its tree in various diseases. The root, bark, leaves and the fruit kernel are given to cure vomiting, hyperacidity, diarrhoea, intrinsic haemorrhages, uterine inflammations and other female disorders like white discharge and excessive menstruation. The unripe fruit is known to have very good effect if used in case of heat stroke, burning sensation, loss of appetite and urinary incontinence. The ripe mango is mildly laxative and is indicated for emaciation, anaemia, liver and spleen diseases and also in general weakness.

Mango is used as an easy household remedy throughout India. The bark of mango tree has an astringent action on mucous membranes and in case of diarrhoea and dysentery, its two gm dried powder, if taken two three times a day with water or buttermilk, has very good effect.

Mango seed kernel is famous for its salutary effect in non-specific leucorrhoea and is given to eat in roasting form. Mango leaves tone up the gums and are used in many tooth powders. Gargles of decoction of mango leaves are beneficial in case of mouth ulcers and spongy gums.

Mango Effects and Uses

Weight Gain : Ayurveda explains its brihan (weight gain) action on bodily tissues. Mango  nourishes all the seven vital dhatus namely Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja & Shukra dhatu, and more precisely it has its effect on rasa and mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue). Eating a mango followed by glass of milk regularly for 3 mths, is very beneficial to earn that healthy extra pounds; this facilitates peaceful sleep and also serves as good liver and heart tonic. Mango pulp strengthens heart muscles.

Aphrodisiac : Ripe mango not only pleases taste buds, but also gives immense mental pleasure, this property of mango rejuvinates male reproductive system, thus increases sex vigor, and also improves sperm quality and quantity. It also helps in erectile dysfunction  and loss of libidio.

Eyes : Ripe mango pulp is very healthy for eyes, in conditions like burning sensation of eyes, dry eyes, and diminished vision during night.

Digestion : Mangoes when consumed in desirable proportion improves digestion & also relieves constipation due to its high dietary fibre content.

Anaemia : Mangoes serve good nutrition to rakta dhatu (blood) and increases hemoglobin level thus reducing symptoms like weakness, palpitation in anaemia.

Skin : Rubbing inner side of Mango skin on face and skin,  tightens the skin, adds glow, and also keeps pimples away.aamras2

Pregnancy : Pregnant woman can have one mango everyday, this facilitates growth of the baby and also helps to increase the weight of the baby. Having aamras (mango pulp) is also good for lactation.

Diarrhea : Mango seed powder when taken with fresh buttermilk, controls diarrhea and dysentry.

Teeth & Gums : In oral problems like tooth decay, Bad breath, oral ulcers, bleeding gums – Gargles with the decoction of tree bark is of great help.

Burns : Ash of mango leaves mixed with coconut oil is applied over burns to reduce the burning sensation.

Gynecological problems :  Being astringent in taste, and ability to constrict tissues, decoction of tree bark for douche (vaginal cleansing). This can be used in gynecological problems like leucorrhea, excessive vaginal bleeding. This also strengthens uterine muscles.

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