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Natural ways to make your Hair Grow Faster

Get rid of those expensive, chemical leached hair products, and say hello to natural remedies. There’s nothing like making the most of what nature has to offer. Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin that is produced in the hair follicles.
 As follicles produce new hair cells, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of the skin at the rate of about six inches a year. The hair that you can see is actually a string of dead keratin cellsMost of women suffer from dandruff in the hair and lack of cleanliness of the head is the cause of this problem.
 Dead skin of the skull is the cause of dandruff. Dead skin gets removed when new skin comes. Hair does not grow if there is too much dandruff in the head. In this case, hair fall starts.


1. Nigella:

Boil 50 grams nigella in one-liter water and wash hair with this water. Hair will become long within one month.

2. Cucumber (kakari):

Sulphur and silicon are found in excess quantity in cucumber (kakari) which is necessary for hair growth. Hair grows properly by washing hair with cucumber juice and drinking mixed juice of cucumber, carrot and spinach. If all these are not possible, take what you have. Its use stops nails falling.

3. Soap nut:

Prepare the powder by grinding hedychium spicatum ham, nut grass each 100 grams, camphor and soap nut kernel each 40 grams, 250 grams acacia concinna and 200 grams Indian gooseberry (amla). Prepare a paste by mixing water in this powder.

 Rub hair by taking 50 grams this paste.

 Wash hair with hot water properly. Lice and tiny lice are destroyed by this medicine and hair becomes soft.

Wash hair by mixing soap nut, Indian gooseberry (amla) and acacia concinna together. Hair becomes thick, silky, shiny and dandruff less by its use.

4.  Shoe flower:

Hair grows properly by applying shoe flower juice on the head.
Prepare a paste by grinding shoe flower leaves. Massage hair with this paste and take bath after two hours. Its use not only provides nutrition to hair but also provides coolness in the head.

Grind shoe flower leaves and flowers each in equal quantity and prepare a paste. Apply this paste in hair before going to bed at night and wash in the morning. Hair remains healthy and strong by doing so for some days regularly.

Cook fresh shoe flower juice and olive oil each in equal quantity until its water part destroys. Fill it into bottles. Apply well this mixture in hair roots after bathing regularly. Hair becomes long and shiny by doing so.

5. Edipta Alba:

Cut your hair in small and massage edipta Alba leaves juice on the hairless portion of the head. Black and thick hair grows within some days. This treatment should be followed necessarily by those persons whose hair breaks and two mouthed.

Boil well three times triphala powder in edipta Alba juice and grind after drying well. Take 2 grams this powder every morning.  Its use stops grey hair and enhances eyesight.

Grind thickly Indian gooseberry (amla) and put it in China clay bowl. Pour so much edipta Alba juice in it until Indian goose berry (amla) sinks in it. Grind this material and dry. Boil and dry this material seven times. Take 3 grams this preparation with fresh water. Its use stops premature graying. It is very good remedy for good eyesight and long life.

Cook mixture of edipta Alba, triphala, Indian sasaprila and mango stone with 10 grams mandur powder, half-liter oil and one-liter water. Boil this mixture until oil remains only.  Filter and fill it into bottle. All hair problems disappear by using this medicine.

6. Onion Juice: 

This remedy is regarded as one of most effective and oldest ones. The reason behind is that it contains sulphur that boosts collagen production in the tissues and helps in the re-growth of hair. Don’t let its strong smell keep you away from using it, because it goes off just after one rinse.

To try this remedy, cut a few slices of onion and squeeze out its juice (either by mashing it or grating it) and apply it on your scalp for about 10-15 minutes. Let it work its magic and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo.
Quick tip: You can substitute this with potato juice as well.

7. Coconut Milk:

 According to Dr. Blossom Kochhar, Chairperson, Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies, the most effective remedy for natural hair growth is the use of coconut milk because it is rich in iron, potassium and essential fats.

 Her remedy, “take coconut milk from a fresh coconut (do not purchase the coconut milk - take it out meticulously from a fresh coconut). To it add half a squeeze of lemon, 4 drops of essential lavender oil. Mix it thoroughly and apply it on your scalp, leave it on for 4-5 hours and then rinse it off.”

8. Apple Cider Vinegar:

 This vinegar gently cleanses the scalp and maintains the pH balance of the hair thereby accelerating hair growth.  Start for making a diluted solution by mixing 75ml of it in one litre of water for a larger batch or 15 ml of it to a cup of warm filtered water for a smaller batch.

To apply this solution, use it as a final rinse after washing your hair. This will also give your hair an added shine and boost hair growth.

9. Make your Own Egg Mask:

 This home remedy is used all over the world for quick and natural hair growth.
 As we know, eggs contain high levels of proteins which help in the formation of new hair. It is also rich in sulphur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorous and iodine.

For the egg mask, separate one egg white in a bowl and add one teaspoon of olive oil ( you can also use grape seed oil or lavender oil )and honey. Make a paste of it and apply it all over your hair and scalp for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water and some shampoo.
Quick tip: Egg masks work wonders for a glowing and healthy skin.

10. Fenugreek:

This herb is also an age-old remedy for hair growth problems. It contains proteins and nicotinic acid; protein-enriched diets have been known to encourage stimulation of hair growth. Add a tablespoon of this herb and water in a grinder till a smooth paste it formed.

 Add a little coconut oil (or milk) to it and apply on your hair and scalp for half an hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Hair does not grow grey before time if it is massaged with black sesame purified oil. Its daily massage makes hair thick, black and soft forever.

Grind sesame flower, small caltrop with honey and ghee properly. Apply this preparation on the head. Alopecia ends by its use.

Wring a towel soaked with hot water and tie around the head after massaging head with sesame oil. Repeat this process again. Put towel for five minutes on the head. After that wash hair with cold water. Dandruff disappears by doing so.

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