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Simple herbs for menstrual cycles pain relief

Several studies have shown that a diet rich in calcium and vitamin B6 during PMS may also help reduce water retention and alleviate bad moods. The highest sources of calcium are milk and milk products like yogurt, ice cream and cheese. But make sure you choose low-fat options. Also, you can get calcium from vegetables such as broccoli, dark greens (like turnip greens), green or red cabbage (raw), cooked collards, fish, soy products and tofu. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include bananas; baked potatoes; legumes such as soybeans and lentils; meats, especially chicken, but also beef or pork; grains and cereals with bran; and fish, especially salmon.

Some research has suggested that taking vitamin or mineral supplements may also be helpful in alleviating bloating and depression. Among the most promising of these are calcium (1,000 mg. daily), magnesium (22 mg. taken during the last half of your cycle), vitamin B6 (50 to 200 mg. daily), and vitamin E (150 to 400 I.U. daily). These recommendations may not work for all women, but the cost and risk of vitamin and mineral supplements (in recommended amounts) are low enough to justify giving them a try.

Many women have food cravings during PMS, and the cravings usually focus on sweets and snacks such as ice cream, chocolate and potato chips. Eating complex carbohydrates is probably the best way to ward off those food cravings. These foods are a good source of fiber, which helps to clear excess estrogen from your body. High levels of estrogen have been shown to contribute to PMS. Also, research has found that high-carbohydrate foods actually relieve the psychological symptoms of tension, anxiety and mood swings that accompany PMS.

Good sources of complex carbohydrates include breads, pastas, macaroni, potatoes, rice, corn and legumes such as peas, chickpeas and lentils. But remember, it takes at least two hours for the carbohydrate high to "kick in;" plan your eating and snacking accordingly, so you're not left with a case of the blahs.

Painful Periods and Cramps

About seventy percent of all women have pain and cramping with their monthly menstrual cycles. However, these symptoms usually are not severe enough to disrupt daily life.

The cramping and pain usually start a day or two before the period begins with the most severe discomfort occurring on the first day of menstruation.

There are more than 150 symptoms known and some of the more common ones include depression, bloating, fatigue, social withdrawal, angry outbursts, breast tenderness, vague aches and pains, menstrual migraines, and weight gain.

Some of the suspected causes are:

Excess oestrogen level in blood

Fluid retention· Vitamin B6 deficiency

Progesterone hormone deficiency

Thyroid abnormality

Hypoglycemia (reduction of blood glucose level)

Serotonin deficiency

In most cases, light to moderate pain and cramping during the menstrual period is considered normal and does not require a special trip to your doctor. There are things you can do at home to help yourself feel better if you experience painful periods and cramping:

  • Cut down on salt and sodium in your diet to reduce fluid retention
  • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle for abdominal cramping
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Take calcium and magnesium supplements during your menstrual period to help ease pain and cramping
  • Reduce intake of sugar and caffeine
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  • Try exercise like walking to promote deep breathing
  • Take a hot bath
  • Drink warm, herbal teas
  • Massage the back to relax muscles massage deep heating oils into the abdomen
  • For some women, orgasm brings relief by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area.

If you are having severe pain during your menstrual periods, which is called dysmenorrhea, you should see a doctor for an evaluation. It is common and can be a hereditary condition that disappears or improves after the birth of a first child. However, dysmenorrhea can also begin later in life and be caused by a disorder such as a pelvic infection or endometriosis.

Herbal remedies

Ginger: A piece of fresh ginger is pounded and boiled in a cup of water for a few minutes. The infusion,sweetened by sugar,is taken thrice daily after meals for
painful or irregular menstruation.

Lemon grass: An infusion of the grass, mixed with black pepper is given in painful menstruation. Raw juice or decoction of the grass may be taken in
such a condition

Sesame seeds: Half a teaspoon of powder of these seeds taken with hot water twice daily acts excellently in reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in young anaemic girls.

 Indian Spikenard: Indian spikenard is one of the best and most effective home remedies for menstrual problems like dysmenorrhoea – which is very painful and difficult menstruation.

Basil leaves: Basil leaves are an excellent home remedy for menstrual problems. Using these leaves can help in getting relief from cramps. Basil leaves can be had in raw form or can be added in tea or as a spice in the food. It can also be added in water and drunk for relief from menstrual pain.basil leaf

Coriander seeds: Coriander seeds have vital anti inflammatory and other useful properties that makes it very effective in reducing menstrual pain and correcting irregular menstrual cycle. A handful of seeds should be boiled in water till very little water remains and this should then be strained and this can be taken twice daily and can be taken when warm for better results.

Crampbark(Botanical name: Viburnumopulus) Cramp bark is one of the oldest and best home remedies for treating menstrual pain. Cramp Bark helps alleviate severe cramping that causes nausea, vomiting, chills and sweating.

Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are amongst the best home remedies for menstrual pain and cramps. Sesame seeds help in keeping the blood flow regular and reduce the possibility of cramps during the menstrual cycle. Taking sesame seeds soaked in water or eating a handful of the seeds are very helpful in menstrual problems. For best results one can eat the seeds at least two or three days before the menstrual cycle starts.

Parsley: Parsley is also very effective in getting relief from menstrual pain. Parsley also regulates irregular menstrual cycle. A juice made from parsley can be taken twice a day during periods to prevent excessive menstrual pain. Parsley tea can alternative be used during periods.

Black cohosh: Black cohosh is a very widely used herb to relieve menstrual pain. The herb can be taken as raw plant or its root cab be dried or exracted for internal use. The presribed dosage is 20-40 mg twice daily and continued till menstrual pain continues. This herb should NOT be taken during pregnancy as it can cause heart trouble for the infant.

Other herbs: Decoction made by mixing one or all of the following ingredients is effective in addressing variety of menstrual problems: wood apple, marigold, rough chaff, mango bark, blue cohosh, banana flowers, hermal, chicory, tenner’s cassia, lemon grass, bengal gram and blood wort. Their intake during menstrual period or days before the start of the menstrual cycle is effective in treatment of menstrual pain and irregular menstrual cycle

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