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Top 5 Worst exercises Mistakes that are destroying your metabolism

Exercises are good for our health, but not all exercises are good for your health. Isolated exercises will not help you to build lean muscle and get toned & fit.

Isolated exercises directly effect in our metabolism. Here's why: When you are working on only one muscle at a time. it’s virtually impossible to recruit enough muscle fibers to increase your heart rate significantly, so you’ll never be able to spike your metabolism or maximize your calorie burn.

Here are top 5 worst exercises mistakes which are part of our daily life.

Mistake #1: Doing Long Bouts of Cardio

Steady-state cardio (like jogging or doing the elliptical) increases the production of a stress hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol causes weight gain and makes it more difficult to burn off stubborn belly fat. 
That’s why no matter how much cardio you do, you can’t seem to raise your metabolism and you always hit a plateau eventually.
              Mistake #2: Doing Crunches & Sit-Ups To Get Flat Abs
When you do ab-targeted exercises (like sit-ups, crunches or side bends), your muscles get sore, which makes you think you’re strengthening your abs.  There you are, crunching away thinking it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be looking beach ready with your rock-solid core.

Mistake #3: Using Gym Machines

Those big, shiny machines sure make the gym look high-end, but truthfully, the only thing they’re good for is for sitting down while you tie your shoes or catch your breath!
The problem is this: Machines alter the way your body naturally moves, restricting your range of motion. This severely limits your ability to fully activate all of your muscles fibers, which means less fat burning and less muscle toning.
Worse yet, machines can cause muscular imbalance and excessive strain on your joints, leading to nagging injuries down the road.

Mistake #4: Repeating The Same Workouts Over & Over

Repeating the same workout routine over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We’re creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we’re familiar with and good at. But when it comes to working out, if you want to make progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you’ve got to start switching things up

Mistake #5: Doing Loooong Workouts

Longer workouts do NOT equal better or faster results. If you’ve been slaving away at the gym and your body isn’t visibly changing, you can’t do more of the same thing and expect a different result.

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