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Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Warts Naturally


Wart facts

  • Warts are small, self-limited tumors caused by one of over 100 types of human papillomaviruses(HPV).
  • The clinical forms of warts include common warts, flat warts, plantar warts, periungual warts, filiform warts, and genital warts.
  • Warts typically disappear on their own with time, but it may take years.
  • Warts respond variably to a variety of treatment measures.
Are you embarrassed by itchy, unsightly warts? Well, don’t let it get you down too much. Warts are common, especially among children – it’s estimated that about one in five children get them. Caused by a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, these raised patches of skin usually pop up on the hands, knees, feet, or face. The kind of warts you have – flat, plantar, mosaic, common, or genital – depends on the size, shape, and location where they occur.    www.allayurved.com
Warts may itch or hurt, especially when they develop on the soles of the feet. Though warts aren’t easily transmitted from person to person, they can get passed on through direct contact with infected skin or contaminated surfaces like towels or socks. They can, however, spread on your own body, so scratching one might cause it to spread to another part of your body.
Warts are usually harmless and don’t always require treatment – in fact, about 65% of warts go away on their own  But if you have multiple warts or have had one for over two years, you should seek medical attention. Conventional treatments for warts include the application of creams containing salicylic or lactic acid, the use of immune system stimulators like imiquimod, cryotherapy (when warts are frozen off with liquid nitrogen), and laser therapy (where a laser is used to burn off the wart). A vaccine called Gardasil is also available for teenage girls to protect them against HPV strains that cause genital warts and cervical cancer.
But creams don’t always work and treatments like cryotherapy can be painful and cause scarring. So, you may want to try some home remedies to get rid of that wart – as long as there is no infection, bleeding, or pain. It’s also a good idea to see your doctor if you have diabetes or a weakened immune system and have developed a wart.And do keep in mind that genital warts, which are sexually transmitted, require medical attention and must not be treated at home.

Home Remedies For Warts

1. The Duct Tape Method

Everyone’s got some duct tape lying around, right? First, apply a piece of duct tape over the wart and leave it there for six days. Then, remove the tape, soak the wart in water, and use a pumice stone to slough off the rough skin. Reapply the tape the next morning, and continue this process until the wart disappears (or for a maximum of two months).
A study found the duct tape method to be more effective (85% completely resolved) than cryotherapy (60% completely resolved). Though we don’t know exactly how the duct tape method works, some believe that it stimulates the immune system via local irritation.5

2. Bee Glue/Propolis

This resin created by bees is used as a sealant in the construction of hives. Bee glue protects beehives against infections and has antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It has been found to stimulate the thymus gland to boost the immune system.
A study found that over 73% of people taking propolis orally for three months were able to get rid of their warts. Propolis tincture may also be applied locally.7

3. Cypress And Lemon Essential Oils

The antiviral properties in some essential oils have proven to be useful in treating warts. Applying a drop of undiluted essential oil of cypress and lemon on the wart twice a day will help it shrink. Note: Since lemon oil is photosensitive, you’ll want to keep the wart away from the sun or you could develop a dark spot where the wart was.

4. Changeri Leaves

Ayurveda recommends treating a wart by rubbing it with a paste of changeri leaves (Oxalis corniculata, Linn.). This is considered to work better for flat warts.

5. Pure Castor Oil

Brush pure castor oil on the infected areas a number of times a day to stop the virus from reproducing.

6. Epsom Salts And Apple Cider Vinegar

Make a mixture of Epsom salts and apple cider vinegar (in a ratio of 1:4) and dab it on the wart a few times a day. The combination can soothe the area and help in healing. To boot, apple cider vinegar is known for its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, which could be why it works so effectively on warts.

7. Banana Peel

According to a report in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal, taping a piece of banana peel to the wart, with the inside of the peel in contact with the wart, can speed up healing.It’s worth a try – at least you’ll have a banana to eat!

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